Carnation Bouquet


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Carnation Bouquet

Experience Elegance with our Artificial Carnation Bouquet

Discover a floral symphony where elegance meets practicality with our Artificial Carnation Bouquet. Measuring 31 cm, each flower embodies uncompromised beauty.

Unmatched Durability and Longevity

Our Artificial Carnation Bouquet is designed to last, ensuring you can enjoy its splendor for years to come. Unlike real flowers, it doesn’t require water or sunlight, making it a hassle-free choice for any space.

Realistic Design and Craftsmanship

Each carnation in our bouquet is meticulously crafted to mimic the real flower’s delicate petals, vibrant color, and intricate detail. It’s a testament to our commitment to quality and realism.

Product Specifications

  • Size: 31 cm
  • Material: High-quality artificial flowers
  • Color: Vibrant and natural-looking
  • Maintenance: Dust with a soft cloth
  • Delivery: Safe and secure packaging

Our Artificial Carnation Bouquet is a perfect blend of elegance and practicality. It’s a beautiful addition to any room, offering long-lasting charm without the need for water or sunlight. Experience the joy of fresh flowers, without the maintenance. Ideal for those looking for a cost-effective, long-lasting, and realistic artificial plant solution.

Additional information


Purple, Blanc, Pink, Champagne, Light pink