Dried Flower Bouquet


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Dried Flower Bouquet

Presentation of Dried Flower Bouquet

Experience the timeless beauty of our Dried Flower Bouquet, perfect for adding a touch of elegance to your interior decoration or rustic weddings. Available in sets of 1 or 2.

Everlasting Beauty

Say goodbye to wilted flowers and hello to an eternal bloom. Our Dried Flower Bouquet remains beautiful and vibrant for a lifetime, making it the perfect addition to your home decor.

Specific Point: Low Maintenance

Our Dried Flower Bouquet requires no water or sunlight, making it a hassle-free and long-lasting alternative to traditional flowers. Simply display and enjoy for years to come.

Technical Specifications

  • Available in sets of 1 or 2
  • Features a variety of dried flowers including orchid buds and cherry blossoms
  • No water or sunlight required
  • Long-lasting and low maintenance
  • Artificial flowers, perfect for those with allergies

Our Dried Flower Bouquet is a beautiful and elegant addition to any home or event. With its timeless beauty and low maintenance, it’s the perfect choice for those looking to add a touch of nature to their decor. The dried flowers, including orchid buds and cherry blossoms, add a touch of elegance and charm. Say goodbye to wilted flowers and hello to an eternal bloom. Our artificial flowers are perfect for those with allergies and require no water or sunlight, making them a hassle-free and long-lasting alternative to traditional flowers. Available in sets of 1 or 2, our Dried Flower Bouquet is sure to make a statement in any space.

Additional information


1 bouquet, 2 bouquets